Rating: 69 (D+)

Metaverse Rating Score for Star Atlas and crypto token $ATLAS. Atlas meta rating is lower because Gameplay doesn’t yet exist but their metaverse NFT items fetch high prices. And their membership base is close to 100,000 players.

Holder and Trade Analysis: 70pts.
NFTs: 80pts.
Game Play: 50pts.
Tokenonmics: 75pts.
Team & Advisors: 60pts.
Social Activity: 70pts.
Partners & Brands: 80pts.
Investors & Celebrities 80pts.
Roadmap: 75pts.
White Paper: 65pts.
Project Age: 50pts.
Price Drops: 80pts.
Metaverse Rating

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Star Atlas is a virtual MMO gaming metaverse. It’s built on Unreal Engine 5 and has cinema-quality graphics. Set in 2620, it’s split into 3 distinct factions – the humans in MUD Territory, alien-governed states in the Oni Region, and sentient androids in the Ustur Sector. Players can explore new settlements, space stations or planets. They can form teams with other players and complete missions together.

Star Atlas combines different game genres. Mining drives the game economy. Players can pick from specialized careers on the spaceships. Players must choose a profession, such as CEO, broker, bounty hunter or pirate. They can set up mining or staking nodes and plug them into the blockchain network to earn value. It is also both a space exploration and flight simulator game.  Players can travel between different stars and planets. 

$ATLAS tokens are the in-game currency. They can buy assets and in-game equipment in the form of NFTs. $ATLAS holders will have the option to provide liquidity, or sell and buy their token holdings. 

The second token is POLIS. They are used for governance decisions regarding the game. POLIS holders can propose and vote on matters such as inflation rates, asset releases and new features. In-game, players can use POLIS to manage fractions or entire regions. They can impose new rules or have a say over tax collection. POLIS can help govern the in-game ecosystem democratically.