Rating: 67 (D+)

Metaverse Rating Score for Spark Era and crypto token $FIRE. Spark Era meta rating is lower because it’s lacking market data. But the project is by Firework Games and has a thorough platform plan.

Holder and Trade Analysis: 60pts.
NFTs: 70pts.
Game Play: 65pts.
Tokenonmics: 65pts.
Team & Advisors: 75pts.
Social Activity: 78pts.
Partners & Brands: 75pts.
Investors & Celebrities: 65pts.
Roadmap: 67pts.
White Paper: 70pts.
Project Age: 60pts.
Price Drops: 50pts.
Metaverse Rating

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Spark Era is a self-developed MMO RPG by Firework Games. The metaverse is based on an interstellar background. The game ecosystem is constructed with GameFi and NFT assets.

Gamers play the role of star citizens of different races, pilot over 1.000 different kinds of ships,  and explore over 20.000 galaxies and over 100 million planets. The game includes starship construction and upgrades, interstellar commerce, NFT mineral collection, NFT card battle, planetary auction, star port construction, real star exploration and strategic confrontation.

Spark Era is free to play. Users just need a blockchain wallet. At the Loot for Spark Era (LSE) activity, they offer a free basic spaceship to every gamer. Gamers can also get a free one through in-game activity. This spaceship also allows gamers to engage in all activities including trade, mining, card battles, and world copy battles.

Game assets are regarded as on-chain NFT assets. These are designed by renowned artists and will have a high collection value. Users acquire NFT game assets by opening loot boxes in-game interstellar traders. NFT cards and starships are needed in all game activities. Users can buy assets from other players at the auction house or other third-party NFT trading platforms.