Rating: 65 (D+)

Metaverse Rating Score for Nelo Metaverse and crypto token $NELO. Nelo Metaverse meta rating is lower because the project is new and it’s lacking whitepaper information. But they just launched a new game and NFT cards.

Holder and Trade Analysis: 60pts.
NFTs: 78pts.
Game Play: 75pts.
Tokenonmics: 70pts.
Team & Advisors: 60pts.
Social Activity: 60pts.
Partners & Brands: 70pts.
Investors & Celebrities: 65pts.
Roadmap: 60pts.
White Paper: 45pts.
Project Age: 65pts.
Price Drops: 67pts.
Metaverse Rating

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NELO Metaverse is a blockchain-based game ecosystem. They are developing play-to-earn NFT games. NFT Mining, Gamefi and Socialfi on BSC make up the NELO Metaverse.

Through NFT mining, users can mine and trade NFT to earn $NELO tokens. $NELO is then used to buy and trade, and can be converted to any fiat currency.

They launched Storms of War. It’s a PvE (player vs environment) and PvP (player vs player) game. Gamers can earn $NELO tokens by competing and clearing various in-game Stages. They can capture, mint and trade game characters in the NELO NFT Marketplace. Each NFT card has a Hashrate for mining $NELO on the NFT mining website.