CryptoBlades Kingdoms is a metaverse world that will visually be represented as hexes instead of traditional tiles. There will be 25 million claimable territory locations. Each claimable territory can have a village, a dungeon or be empty. All villages will have 3 primary resources: stone, clay, and wood. These resources are used to upgrade and construct new buildings as well as recruit troops.
Players use villages to interact in CBK. Every player starts with 1 village, which can be bought from the market or freshly minted. Villages will come in 3 tiers. Tier 1 is placed randomly when a player joins. Tier 2 allows the player to choose a chunk to spawn in. And Tier 3 spawns when the world is created. Tier 3 villages, called “gold villages” will start with higher levels and initial resources. Chunks are balanced based on the number of villages so no chunk is too populated.
1 million “original offerings will be sold at the initial offering. These are the only ones that can be sold on the market. Another type of village can be obtained when sending a missionary to take it over. These are “conquered villages.” Additionally “barbarian villages” will spawn on the map. They exist only to get attacked and will generate resources over time. Villages left alone for more than two weeks will be considered “abandoned.” Players can raid them for resources.
Villages will have buildings that help it grow. Villages have a score, represented by their building levels. The score is public, and is used to estimate the potential power a village has.
The entire world will reside on one blockchain per game instance, but there may be multiple game instances across multiple blockchains. The game will be on BSC, but may expand to others.