Rating: 65 (D+)

Metaverse Rating Score for Battle Pets and crypto token $PET. Battle Pets rating is lower because there’s little social activity and no whitepaper. But the pet theme is popular with CryptoKitties fans.

Holder and Trade Analysis: 70pts.
NFTs: 75pts.
Game Play: 74pts.
Tokenonmics: 65pts.
Team & Advisors: 55pts.
Social Activity: 57pts.
Partners & Brands: 60pts.
Investors & Celebrities: 70pts.
Roadmap: 65pts.
White Paper: 45pts.
Project Age: 72pts.
Price Drops: 66pts.
Metaverse Rating

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Battle Pets is a blockchain game on the Binance Smart Chain. Each pet is an NFT that can be collected, nourished and armed with weapons to battle with other pets. Users can purchase a pet egg that will hatch into either a bunny, puppy or kitty. These pets have attributes. The most important is Battle Power. This increases the chances of the pet winning battles against other pets. Players then win $PET tokens. Users can also collect additional pets, grow them, train them, breed them and trade them on the market.

There are two available game modes. Tournament involves a ranking system of the top 50 pets. Players can challenge each other to possess a higher rank. In Siege, a player can challenge one of twenty entities called ‘cave guards.’ Beating a cave guard means a player may stake their pet in the cave. 

There are three tokens used in-game. $PET is used to purchase a pet egg. When a player wins a game, they can stake their pet and farm $FRUIT, the in-game reward. $WEAPON is used to forge or upgrade weapons. Players can farm $WEAPON when staking weapon NFTs.